
Shortly after my Thomas The Tank phase, at the age of five I became obsessed with Lego, and still am to this day. Over the course of a decade I have built a Lego city I am very excited about!

Lego City

Here are some photos of my current Lego city layout!

Tic-Tac-Toe Robot

For my 6th grade science fair project I built a working Lego Tic Tac Toe robot. A player would play the game as "X", while the robot would always play as "O". To make a move, a player writes an "X" in one of the boxes on the whiteboard, and presses a button to signal that their move is done. The robot has a memory of all of the previously occupied squares, and scans only the empty ones to see if there are any changes, and when it sees that a square that was previously light color is now dark (using a color sensor), it knows the user must have moved their "X" piece there during the last turn. The robot calculates where it wants to move using a basic tic-tac-toe algorithm and draws an "O" at that square. The robot is programmed in RobotC, and my dad helped teach me RobotC, which was my first programming language. He also helped me out with a lot of troubleshooting on the initial design. I was originally planning to have the robot move around on wheels but instead only the x-axis was moved by wheels, with the y-axis moved by gears for better accuracy. The robot recalibrates itself at the end of every turn by moving to a corner until it hits a button, to preserve accuracy.